Move your career forward - Pass Your Cybersecurity certifications!

Get Your certification training from Best-Selling instructor Thor Pedersen.
640,000+ Enrollments worldwide
3,100,000+ Hours of videos watched
83,000+ Reviews with a 4.7 average
Every year, I help thousands of students pass their Cybersecurity certifications!
We teach you the 4 things you need to pass your Cybersecurity certification exams!
- The knowledge: So you can explain the where/when/why/how/what of any topic.
- Question deconstruction: To figure out; what are they ACTUALLY asking here?
- Answer logic: The ability to pick the MOST right answer.
- Time management: You have at least 72-96 seconds per exam question.
Get Your Complete Certification bundles!

34 hours of CISSP videos
5,000+ CISSP questions 625 Hard questions
750 Complex questions
3,250 Easy/Mid questions
- Both Exam and Per-Domain
201 After Topic questions
240 After Domain questions -
A 300-page PDF CISSP study guide 120-page PDF quick sheets
PDF Mnemonics
A study plan
A 2,500 word CISSP glossary
The 24/7 CISSP ThorBot (chatbot)
2,500 CISSP Flashcards
Subtitles English, Spanish (Latin America), Portuguese (Brazil),
French, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Hindi -
Lifetime or 12-months access
32 hours of CISM videos
900 CISM questions
A 200-page CISM PDF study guide CISM PDF Mnemonics
A CISM study plan -
A 2,500 word CISM glossary
The 24/7 CISM ThorBot (chatbot)
2,500 CISM Flashcards
Subtitles English, Spanish (Latin America), Portuguese (Brazil),
French, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Hindi -
Lifetime or 12-months access
17.5 hours of CC videos
1,700 CC questions 60+ chapter CC practice questions
A 120-page CC PDF study guide CC PDF Mnemonics
A CC study plan -
A 2,500 word CC glossary
The 24/7 CC ThorBot (chatbot)
2,500 CC Flashcards
Subtitles English, Spanish (Latin America), Portuguese (Brazil),
French, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Hindi -
Lifetime or 12-months access