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  • 3DES Also known as Triple Data Encryption Standard, it's a widely used symmetric key encryption algorithm that encrypts data three times using three different keys. It is considered a more secure alternative to the original Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm, as it increases the difficulty of breaking the encryption by using multiple keys. 3DES is commonly used in financial transactions, online payments, and other sensitive data transmissions. It is also used in many security protocols, such as SSL and VPNs, to ensure secure communication between devices.
  • 3-legged DMZ A network design strategy that uses three security zones - the Internet (untrusted), an intermediary area known as the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), and the internal network (trusted). The DMZ hosts public-facing services, acting as a buffer between the Internet and the internal network. This model adds an extra layer of protection by ensuring direct traffic between the Internet and the trusted network is minimized and strictly controlled.
  • 3-way Handshake A three-step process used in network communications to establish a connection between a client and a server in TCP/IP protocol. The handshake begins when the client sends a SYN (synchronize) packet to the server to request a connection. The server then responds with a SYN-ACK (synchronize-acknowledge) packet to acknowledge the request. Finally, the client sends an ACK (acknowledge) packet back to the server to confirm. Once this process is completed, the TCP connection is established, allowing for data transmission to take place. This handshake is essential for initiating a reliable session between two devices over a network.
  • 10Base2 A specific type of Ethernet network standard characterized by a maximum data transfer rate of 10 Mbps, baseband transmission, and a maximum cable segment length of 185 meters. This standard, also known as thin Ethernet or thinnet, uses a thinner and more flexible coaxial cable, allowing for easier installation and management in environments such as office buildings.
  • 10Base5 A specification for thick Ethernet, a networking standard that also operates at a data transfer rate of 10 Mbps but uses thicker, more rigid coaxial cables that can transmit data over a maximum distance of 500 meters. The name '10Base5' is derived from its 10 Mbps speed, baseband transmission, and 500-meter cable limit. Due to its ability to handle greater distances, it's often used in larger, more sprawling network setups.
  • 10BaseT An Ethernet standard that operates at 10 Mbps and uses baseband transmission over twisted pair cabling. The 'T' in 10BaseT stands for 'Twisted pair,' indicating the type of cabling used. It is designed for small, local networks and supports star network configurations, which centralize network control and allow easier detection of connection issues.
  • 3-2-1 Backup Strategy A best practice for data protection and disaster recovery, recommending three copies of data stored on two different types of storage media, with one of the copies stored off-site. This strategy offers multiple recovery points and storage diversity to increase the likelihood of data recovery after a disaster, ensuring data safety even when faced with hardware failure, natural disaster, or accidental deletion.
  • 99.999 Uptime The high availability of a system or service, quantified as being operational 99.999% of the time, often referred to as "five nines". This equates to a downtime of approximately 5 minutes and 15 seconds per year, thus indicating a system with highly reliable and uninterrupted service. High availability is crucial for systems where even minimal downtime can lead to significant operational or financial impact.
  • AAA Server A server that provides authentication, authorization, and accounting services for network devices and users. An AAA server is a network security device that controls access to a network by verifying the identity of a user or device and granting or denying access based on predefined policies. It is commonly used in enterprise networks to control access to resources and track user activity.
  • Abend Stands for abnormal end. It refers to an unexpected termination of a program or system due to an error or bug. It is commonly used in the context of computer systems and software development to refer to a crash or failure.

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