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CISSP video courses

ALL CISSP content is updated for the current exam (2024).
We do in-place updates for exam changes, meaning if you buy now, you get the updated content for free.

Certified in Cybersecurity courses

ALL CC content is updated for the current exam (2022), the next change is expected to be in 2025.

CISM courses

ALL CISM content is updated for the 2022 exam changes, the next change is expected to be in 2027.

CISSP practice tests:
Exam emulation HARD questions

CISSP practice tests:
Exam emulation easy/mid questions

CISSP practice tests:
Per domain easy/mid questions

PMP course

Our PMP content is updated for the 2021 exam changes, the next change is expected to be somewhere between 2024 and 2026.

Frequently asked questions:

On Udemy, our CISSP, CC, and CISM courses are split into multiple courses, on ThorTeaches, they are bundled.

ThorTeaches is/has:

  • Cheaper, everything is bundled.
  • 750 extra CISSP and 500 extra CC questions.
  • ThorBots (Certification chatbots).
  • A 2,500 word glossary.
  • 2,500 Flashcards.
  • Has a better test engine.
  • Keyword searches in all videos.
  • The hard Boson questions.
  • ThorTeaches has 12 months or Lifetime Access.
  • No offline viewing. 

Udemy is more expensive, with multiple single course purchases, lifetime access, and Udemy has offline viewing for videos.

To get all the content that Udemy has, you need to buy:

  • 24 CISSP courses (ThorTeaches has 750 more CISSP questions).
  • 3 CC courses (ThorTeaches has 500 more CC questions). 
  • 5 CISM courses. 

The videos are the same, but on Udemy, the courses are split into many courses, and some content is not available on Udemy.

ThorTeaches has 750 more CISSP questions (and 2,250 extra per-domain questions), 500 more CC questions, ThorBots (certification chatbots), 2,500 flashcards, and a 2,500 word glossary.

That is possible, but we recommend getting resources from multiple sources and with the price point we keep our courses at, it should be possible to get them both the video and practice exam courses.

Probably not for the CISSP, PMP, and CISM exams are difficult exams; for all of them, we recommend multiple video classes, books, and a lot of practice questions. For any of those exams, no single resource is really enough.

For the CC exam, yes definitely if used right.