Wassenaar Arrangement – Export/Import controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies.
- 41 countries are a part of the arrangement.
- Cryptography is considered “Dual-Use”.
- Iran, Iraq, China, Russia and others have import restrictions on strong cryptography.
- If it is too strong it can not be broken, they want to be able to spy on their citizens.
- Companies have to make “Country Specific” products with different encryption standards.
- The arrangement is used both to limit what countries want to export and to what some want to import.
- It is the responsibility of the organization to know what is permitted to import/export from and to a certain country.
- The Arrangement covers 10 Categories:
- 1. Special Materials and Related Equipment,
- 2. Materials Processing,
- 3. Electronics,
- 4. Computers,
- 5.1– Telecommunications,
- 5.2 “Information Security“,
- 6. Sensors and “Lasers“,
- 7. Navigation and Avionics,
- 8. Marine,
- 9. Aerospace and Propulsion.