Having top-down IT security leadership in an organization is key to success.
If we do not have the buy-in of senior leadership, we will do a mediocre job at best.
For the CISSP certification questions assume a top-down organization.
In a new survet (ISC)² Finds IT Professionals are an Underutilized Cybersecurity Resource.
Largest association of certified cybersecurity professionals enables IT pros to more quickly attain SSCP® certification and bolster their organization’s security posture.
Key findings from surveyed IT professionals include:
- 43% said their organization doesn’t provide adequate resources for security training.
- 35% agreed their security suggestions are acted upon.
- 55% said their organization doesn’t require IT staff to earn a security certification.
- 63% said their organization has too few security workers.
- 51% said their systems are less able to defend against a cyberattack compared to a year ago.
Hiring managers rank communication skills (62%) and analytical skills (52%) as their top desired skills for new candidates, while IT pros cite cloud computing and security (64%), and risk assessment and management (40%) as top skills they believe are needed