Lifetime Access FAQ

Why is Lifetime Access more expensive than the standard 12-month access?
The premium price of Lifetime Access accounts for the ongoing costs to maintain, host, and update the course materials on our platform indefinitely, rather than just for 12 months.

Do I get access to all your courses on when I buy lifetime access?
No, the lifetime access is purchased on a course level. If you want lifetime access to more courses, you need to purchase the courses you want.

Can I upgrade to Lifetime Access on courses I have not purchased?
You can only upgrade courses you own to lifetime access, or you can buy them initially with Lifetime Access.

Will I receive updates to the course with Lifetime Access?
Yes, all in-place updates to the course content are included with Lifetime Access. You’ll automatically receive the most current material without additional charges.

What does Lifetime mean on
In the context of this policy, “Lifetime” refers to the operational lifetime of the course on our platform, not the lifetime of the individual purchaser. Should ThorTeaches LLC undergo a business transition, such as cessation, sale, or restructuring, you will be provided a download link for the full course and all materials that you are enrolled in, preserving your educational investment. There are no near or long term plans for this, but proper contingencies should be clear.

Are there any maintenance or hidden fees associated with Lifetime Access?
No, there are no maintenance or hidden fees. The one-time premium payment covers all costs associated with the lifetime access to the course materials.

Can I switch from a 12-month access plan to Lifetime Access after my initial purchase?
Yes, you can upgrade to Lifetime Access at any time during your 12-month access period or after it expires. There is no deadline, even if your initial access has expired you can still get lifetime for 45% of the current course list price. It’s more cost-effective to select Lifetime Access at the time of your initial purchase.

Is Lifetime Access transferable to another student or individual?
No, Lifetime Access is non-transferable and is linked exclusively to the account of the original purchaser to ensure the integrity and security of account access.

Does Lifetime Access apply to all courses offered on
Yes, it is available for all our courses.

Will I still be able to access the course after I finish it?
Absolutely. Once you’ve finish the course, you will retain access to it for as long as your account remains in good standing. That means you can revisit and review the course content whenever you need a refresher or want to retake the entire course.

How often is the course content updated?
We update courses to align with the current exam version, all updates are done in-place. With Lifetime Access, you’re guaranteed to receive all these updates.

Can I get Lifetime Access for the Boson questions?
No, the Lifetime Access is only for our courses, we resell the Boson vouchers, so they are only 12-months access.

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