New Collar Jobs Act Can Support Cyber
New Collar Jobs Act Can Support Cyber
For years, many in the United States have viewed the traditional four year degree as the only path to a successful career. In late July, a new bill was introduced on the Hill that recognizes the need to change that mindset — the New Collar Jobs Act. What exactly is a “new collar” job? According to IBM, the original advocate for building new collar career skills, new collar jobs are “roles in some of the technology industry’s fastest growing fields — from cybersecurity to digital design — that require technical training or some postsecondary education but not necessarily a four-year…
This is in my mind the interesting part of the bill:
According to The Hill, the bill “would establish incentive tax breaks for employers offering cybersecurity training, increase funding for a cyber scholarship program and establish a student debt relief program for cybersecurity job takers” and is a step in the right direction to growing America’s cybersecurity workforce.