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34 hours of CISSP videos
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32 hours of CISM videos
900 CISM questions
A 200-page CISM study guide
CISM Mnemonics
A CISM study plan
A 2,500-page CISM Glossary
The 24/7 CISM ThorBot (chatbot)
2,500 CISM Flashcards
Subtitles English, Spanish (Latin America), Portuguese (Brazil), French, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Hindi
Lifetime or 12-months access
17 hours of CC videos
1,700+ CC questions
A 120-page CC study guide
CC Mnemonics
A CC study plan
A 2,500-page CC Glossary
The 24/7 CC ThorBot (chatbot)
2,500 CC Flashcards
Subtitles English, Spanish (Latin America), Portuguese (Brazil), French, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Hindi
Lifetime or 12-months access