If you passed the CISSP exam and you have the required work experience, you need to submit your endorsement.
I recommend preparing the endorsement package before your exam, that way you don’t lose 5-14 days getting the endorsement together after passing the CISSP exam.
You can’t
Say you are CISSP certified, because you are not. CISSP certified is pass the exam AND get endorsed.
You can:
Use verbiage similar to this and ISC2 is OK with it:
“I have provisionally passed the (ISC)2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional exam (CISSP) and am awaiting endorsement for get the full certification.”
Once your endorsement is approved, you can officially call yourself CISSP certified.
The endorsement process normally takes around 6 weeks, but we have seen up to 10 weeks earlier in 2019. Right now (July 2019), we it is around 6-7 weeks.
When I was waiting for mine in 2011 I would check my email manically 20 times a day 0_o