What Does 125,000 (ISC)² Members Mean to You?
(ISC)² is proud to announce that our membership has surpassed 125,000 certified cybersecurity professionals globally. As demand for skilled security professionals continues to grow exponentially, (ISC)² certification and continuing education programs enable cybersecurity and IT security practitioners to prove their expertise, advance their careers and contribute to a more secure society. Here’s what some members are saying about the milestone: “125,000 members is a very large number for a community of dedicated people continuously raising the bar by learning, researching, teaching and sharing their knowledge and skills to make our cyber world safer,” said Emmanuel Nicaise, CISSP, president, (ISC)² Belux…
Source: blog.isc2.org/isc2_blog/2017/08/what-does-125000-isc²-members-mean-to-you-.html